Talent Flywheel

Creating Momentum with Your Talent


It all started when…

I learned about “The Flywheel Principle” from Jim Collins’ classic business research book, Good to Great. The idea that what separated the good companies from those that became great was simply a series of well-executed actions that interplayed with one another to develop momentum that compounded over time was almost a self-evident truth. Then, a lightbulb went off.

After nearly a decade in the world of talent, Kelly realized that the companies that attracted, kept, and grew top talent had a similar principle working for them. They didn’t offer some special perk, or have a world-beater of a comp plan, or have an extraordinary social-justice oriented mission that singularly drew the best employees to their companies.

Rather, when organizations hire people that resonate with its purpose and mission (i.e. its "Why?"​), outline clearly aligned rewards and incentives, encourage community and collaboration, and provide learning & development opportunities to aid in the career growth of their people, their employees become brand evangelists in the marketplace, resulting in talent knocking down their door to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

None of the attributes on the flywheel are independently earth shattering. However, as a collective whole the impact is massive. We call this compounding cycle the “Talent Flywheel."​

We view our capacity as strategic partners to add force to the “Talent Flywheel” of our clients at the hiring function, and anywhere else that we can. Sometimes this is as simple as helping clients refine their hiring criteria and subsequent performance incentives to map to their organizational purpose.